Welcome to the Ra Company!

Ra is a dynamically growing company with its headquarters in Moscow, Russia. We established strong business relationships with our partners based in the USA, Europe, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. We are actively working on the new projects.


We supply car spare parts, performance tuning parts, motor oils and professional car care products for the Russian automotive market.


We make investments in the online shopping presence focusing on the premium electronic products such as Apple and Sony brands.


Authorized sales of the commercial software of Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, Kaspersky and others give us a significant part of the total turnover.

Become our partner

Entering Russia with your powerful and unique products will not bring you immediate results. Besides the different mentality of the customers you'll be pressed with the "bonuses" required by the retailers, government officers and so on.

Mutually beneficical we can be in the following areas of the market:

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